Egdon in the community
Egdon looks to be a good neighbour in all of its operations.
We recognise that oil and gas exploration can cause some public concern and we are committed to open and honest dialogue with communities about what our activities will mean in the local area. Egdon consults stakeholders at all stages of our operations and looks to address concerns through open dialogue.
Egdon is a member of UKOOG (United Kingdom Onshore Oil and Gas) the representative body for the onshore oil and gas industry. UKOOG has developed the “Shale Community Engagement Charter” and should Egdon come forward with proposals for shale-gas wells, we will ensure compliance with the charter.
Being a good neighbour
Egdon has a long track record of engaging with neighbouring communities and the strength of our relationships with local residents is vital to us. Increasingly we look to work with local people through Community Liaison Groups (CLGs) to ensure our activities are understood and lead to real benefits for all. We are committed to in‑depth and meaningful consultation and engagement.
Community Liaison Groups
Community Liaison Groups (CLGs) are a key way that we keep in touch with the local communities in which we operate, or where we are making a planning application. We invite local parish councillors and representatives from the community to attend regular meetings where we ensure that our neighbours have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information and expert guidance. This keeps them well informed of our progress and of the facts about our operations. It also provides an opportunity for the community to share their concerns with us so that we can answer questions and defer to independent guidance and expertise.
Community Fund
Egdon provides funding and assistance to selected local charities, good causes and initiatives in the communities in which it operates.
For example, in relation to the Wressle development we have established a community fund to provide a source of funding against which local applications for an agreed range of uses would be considered.
Funding is derived from the proceeds of production and the fund is operated at arm’s length from Egdon and our joint venture partners.