Active sites
In 2014 we built and drilled from a site near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire.
The Wressle site was re-developed with a HDPE membrane system and production commenced from the Ashover Grit reservoir following a workover of the well in January 2021. Following a Proppant Squeeze operation during July and August 2021 production increased to rates in excess of the pre-operational expectation of 500 barrels of oil per day. The well is currently produced using a jet pump artificial lift system. Oil is trucked to a local refinery on Humberside for processing
A community liaison group (CLG) has been in place since March 2021. The CLG aims to facilitate communication and to keep local people informed about our operations.
A community fund has been put in place and is being administered at arms length from Egdon by the Broughton Sports and Community Association.
Egdon has submitted plans to North Lincolnshire Council to drill two further production wells and to process and export gas to the nearby 7 bar gas network.

Monitoring Data
In March 2015, we were granted temporary planning permission from Lincolnshire County Council to drill a conventional exploratory oil well on farmland to the west of the hamlet of Biscathorpe, Lincolnshire. In July 2017 we were issued with the relevant permits from the Environment Agency and in May 2018 received an extension of the planning permission from Lincolnshire County Council until December 2020.
We established a Community Liaison Group in the Biscathorpe area.
The well was drilled in January and February 2019 and subsequent analysis showed an oil discovery in the Dinantian limestone. The well is currently suspended having been plugged and all materials removed from site.
Egdon submitted a planning application for a side-track drilling operation, associated testing and long-term oil production at the Biscathorpe site on 1 March 2021. Despite being recommended for approval by Lincolnshire County Council’s planning officers this was refused on 1 November 2021 at a meeting of the Lincolnshire County Council Planning Committee. An appeal was submitted in April 2022 and a Hearing held on 10 October 2022. The Inspector overturned the Council's decision and allowed the appeal in October 2023. A Judicial Review of the Inspector's decision was heard in the High Court on 5-6 June 2024 and decision is awaited.
In support of the planning application in January 2021 we held a virtual consultation and the feedback is available through the link below.

Monitoring Data
Community Liaison Group Minutes
The Keddington site, near Louth in Lincolnshire, was first developed in 1997 by Roc Oil, and acquired by Egdon in 2007. Oil has been consistently produced from the site, with three sidetrack wells having been drilled under Egdon’s operatorship.
A further drilling operation is under consideration with planning consent already in place. Although the main objective is oil, if sufficient gas is produced then the aim would be to use this to generate electricity and export surplus back to the distribution system.
The Keddington site is currently undergoing a series of improvements to the infrastructure and facilities.
Monitoring Data
Community Liaison Group Minutes
Waddock Cross
The Waddock Cross oilfield near Dorchester in Dorset was first drilled by British Gas in 1982. Egdon acquired the operatorship of the licence in 2003 and drilled two wells in 2004 and 2005. The site was developed as a production site in 2013 before being suspended due to declining oil rates.
The site is currently retained on a care and maintenance basis .
The Waddock Cross site is immediately adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), as the ancient woodlands are home to extremely rare and important species of lichen. When the site was operational, air quality and lichen monitoring was undertaken which demonstrated that an oil production site can co-exist with local nature without adverse effects.
Egdon has submitted a planning application to extend the current planning consent for the site and is also developing an application for additional drilling and production operations. A prolonged period of ecological assessment will support both of these applications.
Monitoring Data
The Kirkleatham gas production site is located in the north-east of England near to Redcar. It was originally drilled in 2005/6, and development started in 2010 with the building of a process facility within the adjacent Wilton International petro-chemical complex. A part-buried pipeline delivered gas to the process site, and then on for use as fuel to generate electricity and steam in an industrial gas turbine operated by SembCorp Utilities (SCU).
The well is currently suspended pending an evaluation of geological and formation data. Water was encountered during gas production and given the considerable gas reserves in this locality it is planned to target a gas zone above the water contact through a well that would be drilled from the existing site.
Monitoring Data
Dukes Wood / Kirklington
The Dukes Wood and Kirklington sites are in the East Midlands near to Newark in Nottinghamshire. The Kirklington oilfiled was originally drilled by BP and Egdon acquired the site in 2008. A sidetrack well was drilled in 2010, in tandem with a new well on the nearby newly-built Dukes Wood site in the same year. The Dukes Wood site is adjacent to the Dukes Wood oilfield, which was originally drilled during the Second World War and was, for some time, the largest onshore production field in Britain. The sites were intended to operate as one joint production unit, but were jointly suspended after a period in production due to high water volumes.
The Kirklington well has now been plugged and the site is due for restoration during 2024/25. The Dukes Wood well has been plugged back and is due to be recompleted for geothermal testing during 2024 to determine if it can be used for geothermal heat recovery.
Monitoring Data
North Kelsey
Egdon is seeking planning permission to complete the building of a new wellsite on land off Smithfield Road near to North Kelsey in Lincolnshire, and to drill a single exploratory well. This would be targeting conventional oil.
A request to extend the existing planning permission due to the impacts of COVID-19 on the planned operations was refused by Lincolnshire County Council on 14 March 2022, despite being recommended for approval by the planning officers. An appeal against this decision was submitted in April 2022 but was reluctantly withdrawn ahead of the hearing due on 14 and 15 June 2023 due to a difference in legal opinion between the inspector and both Egdon and Lincolnshire County Council.
Egdon will be submitting a new planning application for consideration by Lincolnshire County Council as soon as possible. This application will be accompanied by recently completed updated traffic, ecology and flood risk assessments. As part of this process we will undertake fresh consultation with the local community prior to submitting the application. This will provide the opportunity for members of the public and parish councils to inspect the proposals at North Kelsey and be more informed during the formal consultation process undertaken by Lincolnshire County Council.
A Community Liaison Group (CLG) will be set up to provide a forum for local representatives, aiming to foster an open dialogue and to provide ongoing communication about our operations.
Monitoring Data
Fiskerton Airfield
The Fiskerton Airfield site, on the outskirts of Lincoln in the East Midlands, is on an airfield which was built in the Second World War and served as an operational base for Lancaster Bomber Squadrons until 1945. It was then a base for the Royal Observer Corp from 1962 until its closure in 1992.
Oil was discovered in the formations under the airfield in 1977, although it wasn’t until 1998 that the Fiskerton Airfield site, operated by Cirque Energy UK Limited, first produced oil. Egdon acquired the site in 2017, and has two producing wells and a water injector well on site. The site is currently shut in awaiting a decision on the forward plan.